December 7 1954

While Cyn and Cec were happy in their new community with their little family, there were tragedies amongst her friends in England, both in Newcastle and in Cambridge. Living so far away and in touch only by letters that took so long, Cyn would have felt miserable and helpless.

7th Dec. 1954.
Dearest Mummy,
I was so sorry to hear from your letter on Sat. that you had flu. I do hope that you are feeling quite better now & your cheery self again. It always seems maddening to have colds etc. in the summer, so it must be extra trying to have flu in St. V. – bad enough in the snow & cold – & no wonder you felt miserable. Talking of snow & cold we have lots of both now – the snow began about a week ago – we’d had some which melted before that, but this is the light powdery kind which stays & looks so pretty. The children love it & as I have to go out with them, I put in good work shovelling the driveway – good for my figure! So far I haven’t pulled them on the sleigh as the snow is so light & not packed yet but that will come I know! We are all well & fine – I have a cold sore on my lip & an aching arm from washing the kitchen walls yesterday, that’s all!! Cec is still going back every night but it was supposed to be finished last month so I’m hoping it will end by Christmas at least! Your parcels & cards for Charlie came yesterday & I have hidden them!
I had two such sad bits of news from England last week that made me feel unlike writing much. The first was from Nan, to tell me that Bill Mitchell, Irene’s husband, had died after being ill just 9 days. He had had what seemed to be indigestion for a while, then got sudden very bad pain & was taken to hospital & operated on. The operation was successful, but complications set in & despite all efforts he died. That leaves Mrs. Scott with the little boy Stephen to look after & bring up – he will be 3 in March. Isn’t that a sad beginning for a little fellow’s life? His own parents give him for adoption & then both his adopted ones die – one wonders how Mrs. Scott will ever manage as she was ill at one time, wasn’t she? Poor Bill and Irene – at least I’m glad for Irene that she went first.
The other news was from Miss Smith at Coleridge School telling me that Tadek had been knocked off his bicycle and killed one morning on the way to work. The day before their little boy was one year old. I have thought of nothing else ever since & poor Anne. Life has been so hard for her & this will be such a terrible blow. Having the children to bring up alone will be such a great responsibility, but thank goodness she has them to comfort her. Both Tadek & Bill were such good, nice fellows.
This is a sad letter, Mummy, for nearing Christmas time, but you know how I feel & I know you would want to know. Your Lindy & Charlie send xxx. Lots of love from us all, Cyn.

June 23 1953

First jeans!

                                                                                            Tues. 23rd June.

Dearest Mummy,

I am sorry that I didn’t get a letter written last week, but with one thing & another I just seem to be spinning all the time. “One thing” was the weather which suddenly got terribly hot (93° in the shade on Sunday) – that awful humid heat where you are just wet continuously & “another” was the noise at the back, which really got on my nerves. All last week, day & some evenings till 10, we had a chainsaw (noise like an outboard motor on a boat) cutting down trees, a bulldozer steam shovel digging holes & digging out rocks & tree stumps & a tractor scraper. Sometimes they were right up against the house & the noise was deafening – of course the children couldn’t sleep properly & Lindy was scared stiff of the saw & wouldn’t go outside without me, so you can imagine how hectic it was. We called both Police & City Eng. Inspector to no avail – can make any noise till 11 p.m.! Thank goodness it is better this week, but you wouldn’t recognize our lovely “park” – it is all raw earth – no grass – no trees – great rocks & tree stumps here & there & huge trenches dug right up to our back paths. My poor little seeds were just coming up nicely & they are all trampled on & finished. So sad – but at least we had one year.

Thank you so much for your A.M. of 15th July- I am glad some of the odds & ends arrived safely. I sent off a tiny packet from Charlie for you not long ago & I have some photo “corners” that I must send. We are all looking forward to your parcel – it sounds very exciting & will be such fun. The books haven’t arrived yet but will come soon I expect- I had heard of “Mrs. Mike” but haven’t read it so will love to get it.

Last week was Cec’s birthday you know, so he had his b’day cake (choc.) on Sunday & on Tuesday a.m. Lindy & I took his presents into him & Lindy woke him up with “Happy birfday Daddy”! I got his big photo of HMS Indomitable framed for him & we gave him a new ashtray (lead shot type like his old one) & a couple of books & some new glasses. I also got him a sub. to an English book club but none have arrived yet. In the evening we got the children to bed & at 8 o’clock Margie & Cy & Phyl Douglas (Alec has just left for 6 wks in England & Europe for N.R.C.) came to a buffet supper. I had cold chicken, hot stuffing balls, hot sausages, salad & hot rolls (made myself!) & then fresh fruit salad, the choc. cake & coffee. We had lots of fun & the girls insisted on washing up, so I didn’t even have that to do! On Thurs. we had the Herzberg “children” to dinner. Paul is 16 & Agnes 14, so they would be insulted! Dr. and Mrs. H. had both gone to a big meeting in the U.S. & they were looking after themselves, so we thought it would be nice to have them. I was scared they might be vegetarians like Pop but they both tucked into pork chops with a will & it was lovely to watch them – I had forgotten how teenagers could eat! They were very easy to entertain & with Carman there it helped. They said they had a wonderful time most enthusiastically & I think they really did.

At the weekend it was so hot & miserable we thought we’d take a picnic dinner to the Arboritum for a change. Jim & Barry came with us (Lee had a sore throat so stayed at home) & we just got all set – food out – Charlie’s bottle ready & it began to rain & thunder! I don’t know whether I’ll managed to persuade Cec to do it again as he is no picnic fan & this just put the tin lid on it! It was “Father’s Day” on Sunday & we gave Cec cigarettes & a pocket knife, so he did well last week! I just got Lindy 2 sunsuits & a little bathing suit from Eaton’s & they look so cute- it is quite cold & raining now, of course!!

Big hugs from us all & xxxs from Lindy & Charlie – will write soon again. Lots of love from Cyn.

November 14 1952

14th Nov. 1952.

Dearest Mummy,

I was going to do so many things last night – write you a long letter; do some ironing; fix the plants – then when Cec was down stoking the furnace, he found Mrs. Graham doing hers & during a conversation through the hole in the wall she told him that Quiller was away so she was alone etc. Of course, he said to come in & have a chat with us, so she said she’d be delighted & would come right away! Eventually she came (all glamoured up!) & had a glass of sherry & TALKED! Cec & I couldn’t get in a word edgewise & when she finally left we fell back exhausted with our tongues out, panting!! All of interest to tell you really, is that Jane has a job in television in Toronto & that so far they have nothing done about moving- “Quiller is so-o-o slow”! We had a very brief call from our new landlord the other day, by the way – he is French & seems O.K. – will move into Graham’s house when they leave- they had 6 mths. notice. 

So. I didn’t get anything done I meant, except that I ironed Cec one shirt for today & did the plants as I had soil etc. all over – they are all flourishing & I had three little begonia slips with roots to plant & one philodendron, & I put some new soil on some of the others etc. The fuchsia is flourishing greenly with no flowers, but perhaps this is its off-season! I was glad to hear Mrs. Costain was doing so nicely. [Her namesake rosebush in St. Vincent.]

Since I wrote last week we have done nothing except on Sat a.m. I paid another visit to Dr. Flora and he was so cruel to me! He decided to take out another bicuspid on the other upper side & then after much deliberation also to take out a big molar beside the 2 he taken out last week- leaving the two abscessed front ones to be whoopsed out when he had the plate ready. Well, the smaller tooth came out after a bit of a struggle, but the big one! He pulled & pulled & heaved & yanked & it creaked & cracked & bled until we were both exhausted. Finally, after 5 or 6 attempts it came out, leaving a broken root behind which he then had to dig for. He said that he hardly remembered having such a bad extraction & was most upset & he & the nurse hovered over me as if expecting me to produce at any moment!! Actually, me nerves were all shattered & I had quite a little weep in the car before I drove home, but it was so nice having Cec there & he put me to bed & by teatime I felt better. My face & even my eyes were all swollen & it wasn’t really till about Wed. that I got over feeling a bit nervy & weepy & of course sore places on both sides so eating is no pleasure! However! He told me it would cost $115.00 which made me feel ten times worse, but, that very same day my Income Tax return from the U.S. which I’d got tired of waiting for arrived – $126.00- I was so happy! Also, yesterday Dr. Herzberg told Cec that he is to get a big promotion with a substantial increase, so we are blissful! Isn’t it lovely? Will write properly soon again. Lindy is fine and sends xxx Love from Cyn.

September 21 1950

Thursday 21st Sept. 

Dearest Mummy,

I have been meaning to write ever since I got home, but I have been that busy, & even now I have decided just to write this Air Letter, & write a proper answer to your letters at the weekend. I have all sorts of letters to thank you for because I found a lovely swadge when I got home, & then got another nice one with snaps last weekend – thank you so much, honey bun. I have letters dated 15, 21, 29 Aug. & 5 & 12 Sept. so I’ll save them all to answer at the weekend & will bring you up to date with our news in this one, except that I want to tell you that I thought the snaps of Bequia were fun, but was only sorry there weren’t more with you in, & as you say they are blurry etc. which is a pity. But one of Patsy & Tessa is the best as you say, & in it Patsy looks just like Jean I thought & not a bit fat! I am most intrigued at her loss of weight & want you to sit right down & send me her diet!! Since my holiday I have been trying to diet – no potatoes, puddings, pies or cake – only 3 slices of bread a day- no sweets- no coca-cola or sweet drinks – I feel very virtuous, but can’t see any effects yet!

When I last wrote to you we were in Ottawa & I think I must have told you that we had planned to speed things up a bit & get back to A.A. on 10th-, as I had been worried all along about taking more than a month from work, & Cec thought he should be back too, so we stayed a day less with Merle & Lee & in Ottawa & then flew to Toronto on the Fri. & spent till Sunday with Cec’s Auntie & Uncle. They were very sweet to us & we went shopping on Sat. a.m. & Cec  bought a new navy Burberry & I got a new winter coat- dark red- quite plain, but with a chamois lining which will zip in & out- lovely & cosey warm! They have a big Exhibition in Toronto every year, so we all went on the Sat. night & saw a beautiful fireworks display as well as other things.

We arrived back in A.A. on Sun. afternoon & on Mon. I went to work- & what do you think? They had a great surprise for me – I am now in the permanent staff at the salary of $2260 a year! Isn’t that something? Cec & I feel so wealthy & so pleased we came back on time!

Our evenings have been busy because the Sutherlands moved into their new house on 15th, so we went along most evenings & helped them pack linen & china & stuff, then on Sat. after the move we went & helped them unpack. To complicate matters, Dr. S. flew to England on Sunday for a fortnight for a conference, so Gunborg is left to cope with things & is very disconsolate. The house still has painters & workmen etc. in, but will be lovely when finished – will tell you more about it later.

Have just been writing to Connie & Len – they sail on the 10th from Liverpool in the Empress of France, so will be in a tizzy now. Must stop- bedtime – Love to A. Moo & Les Girls! – Lots & lots for you 

        from Cyn & Cec 

[Cec’s handwriting] P.S. It’s past her bedtime- as usual. Love C3

Later, 1948.

This letter contains one of those mysteries where both the sender and recipient know what has happened so there is no need to discuss it, and we can only guess.

37 De Freville Ave.



Dearest Little Mummy,

Thank you for your telegram & letter. I was so disappointed that you couldn’t come on Friday after all, but I quite understand that of course it was much more sensible to stay up there once you are there, rather than make another journey.

You have been having a horrible and wildly busy time – I am only sorry that I couldn’t be with you to help you, but I knew that all your friends would be sweet & kind, & I hope that Uncle John and Mary were of some help. I suppose they went back on Thursday as planned though, so you will have had all these days to get through without them, but I hope that the worst business was over by then, & that Maud and Chris would help you.

As I will be seeing you so soon, I won’t write anything about all the arrangements and what you have had to do, as we will be able to talk at all over when you get back. But I know you were having a wretched worrying time, dear, and I do hope you will try not to worry too much, because you have done all that could be done, over many years, and I think that it will all turn out for the best eventually.

I had a note from Joe on Friday saying he was coming & he arrived yesterday evening. At the moment he is very busy in the conservatory & has done all sorts of things- mended one broken shelf- lifted some others to make them straight- screwed up a loose bracket & it looks to me now as if he were going to mend the door! However, you better not tell Winnie all this, as apparently you mentioned the fact of his doing odd jobs before, & she must’ve been remarking on it to him! Probably, you better not tell her he’s here at all! By the way, it is Winnie’s birthday on Tuesday & I am sending a card.

Last night Joan had a little party, with two Poles, a fat girl Anne, Pam & George, & Joe & me. We all got quite matey & though Joe didn’t want to go, I think he really enjoyed it once he was there. Anne Chapman came in this morning (brought me 6 eggs & Joe brought 8- come home quick & help eat them!!!!) & Pam invited us all up for coffee at 12.0, so we had another little gathering. After all this we were not a bit hungrey, so we skipped lunch & are having a light tea & dinner this evening! I don’t know how Joe’s digestion will stand it- mine feels most odd!!

I must stop now, honey & catch the post. Take care of yourself now, & come home safe and sound on Wednesday. Pam and Joan & the butcher & the cats all keep asking when you’re coming & you’ll get a very warm welcome from all of them as well as from your loving daughter! We will be able to have a lovely lazy time during the holidays after Friday.

Joe sends his love, & I send lots & lots from me-


          Cyn P.T.O.

Love to Mrs. Johnny & Bella & Maud & Winnie & all the others.

Clues: It is later in the year of 1948 or even possibly 1949, because Cyn’s address is that of the flat she shared with her mother, so it would be at least spring of 1948, because they are obviously living there together. However, something has happened in Newcastle, because that is where Carol is, dealing with something upsetting. I assume this was the catastrophic medical incident that resulted in the husband she had left, Gordon, being hospitalized- but I don’t know what that was. I think that the ‘Uncle John and Mary’ mentioned were Ewings, probably Gordon’s older brother, and Maud and Winnie were friends of long-standing. The ‘Joe’ visiting Cyn in Cambridge is a Sheedy, also longtime Newcastle neighbours of the Ewings, possibly a younger brother of her childhood friends, and obviously handy to have around the house! From the list of things he’s fixing, it sounds as if they haven’t lived there very long. Maybe when Carol gets back, she and Cyn will be planning a house-warming party…

December 6 1947

This letter may have been written on December 6th or 13th in 1947- one of those Saturdays!

19 Warkworth St. 



Dearest Mummy,

Thank you so much for both your letters. I was awfully sorry to see in the one I got this morning though, that you were worrying and unhappy about the arrangements you have made, because I think you have done marvellously, and as for blaming you, that is just ridiculous. You say something about selling my birthright for a mess of potage, but really you haven’t done anything of the sort – my father would never have left me anything more, and he has been generous over money matters with me already, so I am more than content about my affairs – it is only you that I worry about, and not so much about financial things, because I am sure we will manage all right – but because you have had to leave your home, and begin anew as it were. However, I think that once it is all over, you will be much happier and freer, and that things will work out very nicely.

I think that you were very wise and clever when you went to Mr. Kirby to sign the deeds etc., and as for being cowardly, I think you were very brave to stand up for yourself as you did. I am certain that it is for the best all round to arrange things peaceably in this way, because even if we went to Court, & went thro’ all the rowing and trouble it would mean to get you a little allowance, we probably would have had more trouble with him about paying it regularly, & it would have gone on & on. When I wrote to you, saying to try & get an allowance & we’d go to Court if necessary, I didn’t think that there was any chance of settling the affair quietly, and your getting a share of the household goods, but as it has turned out this way, I think it is a very good thing. I think you were quite right to tell Mr. Kirby about not getting the allowance etc. & I’m sure he understands how things are, and I also think signing the paper about not claiming anything from him on condition he left you the house in his will, was a very good idea, because, goodness knows, you never would have got anything from him, and now he has to do as you say about the will (which I’m sure he wouldn’t have done otherwise,) so it is really a safeguard for you.

I think that on the whole the sharing of the furniture etc. is not bad, although of course, it’s nothing like half, but I was tickled to bits about the big bookcase & Uncle Nic’s rug! In my last letter I mentioned a bookcase & a carpet if possible, & I thought of Uncle Nic’s rug, but I never thought he’d let it go!

Uncle Nic’s Letter, about sending the carpet from India in 1926?, to Carol. A late wedding present? I don’t think the envelope it was preserved in was the original, since it was mailed in England.
A bit tattered around the edges, but still surviving in my living room in 2020!

And as for the big bookcase & the bureau – my my!! I am glad you are getting a fair share of the china & silver & glass etc. and as you say, it doesn’t matter about the other silver teapot etc. now that you have the nice one Aunt Muriel sent. By the way, I sent off the little electric iron to you today, & I put it in two big boxes (that my china was in) with masses & masses of packing, & thought they might be useful to you for packing your glass or china in. I am enclosing the latch key in this letter, & I don’t think there is anything else I have that belongs to 95.

I am so sorry that your tummy got worse, and that you are feeling so poorly on top of everything else, dear. I do hope that it is much better now, and if it isn’t, don’t you go on trying to do things, just take a rest, and get better first. There is no need for you to rush and dash about when you’re not well, and so just take things easily. I am sure that Maude will have you to stay for a little while when you are packed up, so that you can make final arrangements with the Bank etc. and one thing – don’t worry about the decisions you’ve made. I think that you have done absolutely right in everything, and I fully agree with you, and back you up in everything you’ve done. You haven’t the slightest reason to reproach yourself over anything, so don’t you go being miserable! Cheer up, & think of all the fun we’ll have when it’s all over! And take care of yourself, my sweet, & get that tummy better. I hope the weather has improved for you, because miserable cold & wet won’t do you much good.

Last night I went to the pictures to see the Technicolour film of the Royal Wedding – I thought it was nice as a film, but disappointing of the actual wedding, as you don’t see so much of it as I thought you would. Pam, Jessie & I are convinced you can see me on it!!  A minute speck of red, which is my scarf! Today, I have been Christmas shopping and golly! – the prices! I got Ruth Stainthorpe Angora gloves & Irene & Bill a little tray & Peter baby roller skates. I thought about slippers for you (warm ones), but thought I’d ask you to make sure you needed them. How’s about it?

When I got back there was a lovely parcel from Ruth Schatz waiting for me for Christmas. Of course I opened it and it has a lot of little tins & packages of food, & also a pair of nylons, & the sweetest pink earrings & brooch, made of darling little shells. That reminds me – don’t forget my sea urchins and shells!!! One other thing I thought of- not important really, but I’d like it, & that is the “Holiday” mag about London & also the old McCall’s. If you leave them at Maud’s I’d get them later. Must go now as I am playing bridge at Joan & Ray’s. Hope you are feeling much better honey, & take care of yourself.

      Lots of love from 


Closeup of Cyn’s record of 1947 Christmas presents received from overseas: so many food parcels!
The letters of the 1st, 4th, and this one were all stored in this envelope, postmarked Dec 2nd.

December 4 1947

19 Warkworth St.


4th Dec. 1947.

Dearest Mummy,

I was so pleased to get your letter on Tuesday, and to know that you were feeling a bit more cheerful, and that got things so well organized with Maud. I am so glad that she has been able to help you, and will keep the things for you- it will save so much trouble & the cost of storing and everything, & is very good of her. I thoroughly agree with you to take everything you can, because you are surely entitled to it, and if we can get a home together sometime, every little bit of furniture and stuff will be a terrific help, and we will need every single thing we can get! Besides the things you mentioned he would let you have, I wonder if he wouldn’t let you have one carpet or rug? The one in your bedroom he always hated, so maybe he wouldn’t mind – & it would be a great help if he would let us have even a small bookcase. But it asking for these things is going to mean another row, don’t bother – just take what he offers! However, I have thought, the linen curtains (green) are ours really- I made them at College – & also I have the little electric iron here & the one you have is really mine, and is better isn’t it? Let me know, & I could pack the little one & send it, & you could bring mine down with you. I think you might claim quite a few of the cooking things – the pyrex dishes & some of the cake tins & patty tins & things would be useful to us & he will never need – also my big cook’s knife & palette knife etc. When you are collecting the vases & things, you won’t forget the little plant pot Dottie gave me, will you? And there are also one or two pictures of mine – even the watercolour of Barbados Miss Thompson gave me for my 21st, but I’m not fussy about that! I think you should take as much of the china etc. that you can too, because if we had a home, my American set wouldn’t really go far, & knives & forks etc. we could do with too. About the food – I suggest you take to Miss Lefroy anything you think she’d like particularly & leave the rest in a box at Maud’s. I think I will definitely go to N/C during my Xmas holiday – after spending Christmas with you at Miss Lefroy’s – & I will take my footlocker or trunk with me & bring down the food & whatever else I want. I would like to see the girls, & it will save you bothering about taking my stuff with you, & also I have three weeks holiday & might as well do that as anything. I am sure Dottie or someone will put me up.

I can’t really think of anything else particularly that you haven’t mentioned – decanters; gramophone and records; books; clothes; tennis & badminton rackets; pictures- snapshots etc.; I can’t really think of very much else. Of course, there is a box under my bed with all my odds & ends, but I know you would see that when you are clearing out the room – oh, & by the way, the box ottoman made in my College days is mine too – such a valuable piece of furniture! But that seems to be about all. If you put all my old papers & letters etc. into something & send them to Maud’s, I’ll go through them & burn them when I go up there.

I have felt much happier about you since I got your letter, and I am so pleased & relieved, dear, that you’re feeling better about it all, & that my Father is being agreeable. I hope that your chill has passed off & that it hasn’t gotten worse, or that you haven’t caught a cold or anything. I agree with Maud that essentially this will probably turn out to be a good thing, but at the moment, all the upheaval and upset of it is very hard for you. When I see you at Christmas we can discuss plans for the future, & probably after you have been with Miss Lefroy for a little while you will be able to decide more easily how long you feel you should stay with her etc.

It is getting late now, so I will stop- I went with Jessie to the pictures tonight – to a Swiss film “The Last Chance” & wept till the tears dripped off my chin! I wonder what Mrs. Johnny & Bella & Winnie & Amy will all say when they hear of you going – they were all miss you terribly I know. 

Don’t forget to send an SOS if you want me to send my trunk & the iron – I can send lots of boxes too. With lots and lots of love 

      from Cyn                                                                                      P.T.O.

I am up to my eyes making Christmas cakes – am making one for us & will bring to Miss Lefroy’s. Do they like wine for Christmas? I could maybe get them a bottle & take it as a present. 


A Creation of Christmas cakes!

December 1 1947

19 Warkworth St.


1st Dec. 1947.

Dearest little Mummy,

Thank you so much for your letter which I got this morning, and for enclosing Miss Lefroy’s. I am so glad that she wrote you such a sweet letter, and will give you such a welcome, because this bed sitting room I am in, wouldn’t be at all nice for you to come to, and now you will be able to stay there while we make some plans and get organized. I am sure that she and Chris will be very glad to have you and you will be able to help them too, so you won’t feel that you are not doing your share.

I am glad that you have had a talk with my Father without his getting in a rage again, and although I am sorry he will not give in about an allowance, I think too that it is better to settle things peacefully than to have a great row in Court about it. We will manage all right without anything from him, and it will make a lot of difference if you can get all your things and a fair share without any unpleasantness. I was wondering if you could settle with him about what furniture, china, silver, linen etc. you were to have, & then if you could go to Bevans or Bainbridges or one of these & ask about whether they would store them. If they would, you could perhaps ask them if they had packing cases for books etc. & if so, they could take all my books & the other things and store them. Then I thought if you could get all your clothes & all the personal things belonging to both of us together, I could either get the L.N.E.R. to send my trunks to you by passenger train; or if you could take the things to Maud’s, I could go up during the Christmas holidays & take the trunks with me, & pack up what you had left over.

I think if you could arrange about storing things in N/C and get that done, it would be a beginning, & would make less for you to worry about than if you took all the stuff to Miss Lefroy’s, and we could leave it there, till we got some place to live. I think it is important for you to see that you have all our Saving Certs & papers about our shares etc. and also before you leave to write to the P.O. about re-directing our letters. I know this seems like looking forward a lot, honey, but now that you have decided to leave, I think you had better get it over and done with. Christmas is not so far off, and I think it would be best if you plan to leave before then if you can. Perhaps Maud would go with you to see about storing the furniture etc. and once you’ve got that arranged, the rest won’t be so bad. I don’t know if you would like me to come up before you leave. I hesitated to ask, because I have a feeling that my presence will only enrage my Father more, but if you would like me to come, I will do so, either for a weekend now, or at the beginning of my holiday.

I did not go to London this weekend- it was last weekend I went, & friend Roland bored me to tears! This weekend I rushed around & got my Xmas things off to America – I sent silk squares with hunting scenes on- one grey, one blue, to Til & Lois – books to Ruth’s children, & a calendar to her & Ernie (I had a letter from Ruth that she has sent me a parcel by the way), I sent a calendar to Mr. & Mrs. Atkinson, & one to C’Zelma, Em & Grandma. I sent books to Hugh, Monie & Allan- & what do you think to the girls- traycloths! So A. Ettie & they will not be jealous of each other! I must write to U. Artie & send him a card, & I am sending a calendar to A. Muriel. At long last I got written to A. Trix, & sent her & Bill & Jane cards.

I was very upset to hear the news about Irene. I had such a cute letter from her last week, telling me all about it, & in such high spirits, & I felt so glad, as I thought she and Bill would make sweet parents. I do hope that it isn’t so serious as it sounds, and that after the baby has dropped or whatever it is, that she will be better. I have just written her a great immense letter, & one to Dottie too, as I am in disgrace again for missing Peter’s birthday once more. I told her vaguely that you were leaving, but said I would be up sometime during my Xmas holidays to see them.

It is after 10 o’clock now, so I better stop & see you to my bottle & Bovril & bed. I am in the midst of Xmas cakes at school – about 100 of the wretched things! I am making one for us,– & by the way, when you leave don’t forget & leave all of the tins of food behind! I sent them to you not him!

Let me know how things are going, & don’t worry too much. If you want me to, I’ll come up – 

      Lots & lots of love-


November 27 1947

19 Warkworth St. 


27th November 1947.

Dearest Mummy,

I am awfully sorry to hear about all the trouble you are having, and I know how miserable you must be feeling. A peaceful life with my father seems to be able to last just so long, and then he gets a devil in him and won’t stop till he’s had a great row, and said all the cruellest things he can think of. No matter what you do, or how patient or forbearing you are, it always happens. I am sorrier then I can say that it has happened again though, just as you thought the dog was making him a bit better, and as you say, after all these years, it is too much to go on being insulted and browbeaten by him.

Of course, as he well knows, money is the problem if you leave him. It is one thing having the house as we had before, and another thing have to pay rent as we would now, especially with prices as they are now. One thing I think you definitely should do, and that is, if you are leaving him, get some proper written agreement stating the allowance he will give you, or if he won’t do that go to Court & get a Court order for an allowance, because it is only right that he should give you one. Also, you know what his verbal promises are- last time he sent the allowance for a few months & that was all. In view of the allowance business, I am doubtful about the wisdom of going without having legal advice or something first, because once you have left the house, I don’t know whether the position would be the same. Another thing, if you are going all of our things should be out of the house first, or he possibly would never let us have them. 

About where you could go, Mummy, I wish I had a place here you could come to, but this isn’t much of a home for you. If you went to Miss Lefroy for a while, we might be able to find a flat eventually, & you could come to Cambridge, but honestly, honey, I don’t see much prospect of there being any kind of a job you could get here – that is why I think it is so important for you to get an allowance. Of course Miss Lefroy may be able to find you something to do in London, but it would be much more sensible and nicer if we could make a home together.

However, see how things are going dear, and if you feel that it is really the end then go and get some legal advice about how you stand before you do anything, because if you left, and he became vindictive, as he can, you don’t know how mean he would be.

There doesn’t seem to be any more I can say, Mummy, except again how sorry I am that you are having this sad worrying time. Let me know how things are going, and of course you know I am thinking about you. In your last letter you wrote about the Felton idea, & in someways I thought it was rather a good one, as life in the country would be pleasanter in some ways for you both, I thought, but now there’s not much point in talking about it.

Anyway try not to be too worried about it all – we’ll get on all right, no matter what happens – 

    With much love 



Cri de Coeur

Trigger warning: I expect that readers who have witnessed or experienced abuse will find reminders in the last post and this one.

Dear Gordon –

I am writing this – as it’s no good trying to talk to you – you get into such rages-

I cannot go on like this- I want to know definitely what I am supposed to be in this house & I am certainly not treated as a wife, by any means of the word- neither am I a housekeeper – I don’t get a living wage – You seem to think I am just a puppet- but I am not going to be treated as such– You either change your tactics- or I am going to do something about it.

You don’t seem to realize what I have done for you, what I have given up for you- & what I have gone through & am going through now – on account of you – You think you are so kind & generous – & yet you can be as cruel & as tormenting as the devil himself– Not only do you deny me the right of having my sister to stay in my own home a fortnight, after not having seen her for 15 years- but you call me names & say things to me that no decent man would think of saying to his wife-

What is it? Are you anxious to be rid of me? If you are – why not say so? But no- you’re too cunning for that – you won’t tell me to go, but you’re always jibing at me, & telling me “If I want to go I can go”– that’s the way you think you will get out of it – I tell you Gordon you’re driving me mad- you’re cruel through & through & just love to hurt me as much as you can- It is now nearly 2 weeks since we have spoken to each other – please break your silence & tell me definitely one way or the other what you mean to do – I cannot go on like this-

Carol Ewing was 53 when she left her husband. I find it hard to imagine how this undated (and unsent?) letter survived amidst the letters she lovingly saved from her daughter, but there is evidence that she reread and organized those letters, and that Cyn, her daughter, also read through the collection in her old age. So, since they did not destroy this letter, I am sharing it with the world. Imagine the balancing act Carol had to keep up year after year, to live with Gordon’s uncertain moods, yet manage to keep them from seriously affecting her daughter, who grew up (and away) into an independent confident woman who lived a happy life. Carol made the first step towards 20 years of happiness for herself by leaving him in 1947.