April 2 1950

Cec and Cyn visiting Toledo.

2nd April. 1950.

Dearest Little Mummy,

When Til and Lois brought us back last Sunday evening, there was your lovely long letter written on the boat, waiting for us, having arrived on Sat. when we were away. Then on Monday arrived your two A.M. letters from Trinidad, so I was well up to date with all your news and just delighted to know how you were getting on. Thank you so much for all of them, Mummy – I am so glad to know that you are safely with A. Trixie & Janie & Bill & that everyone is being nice to you – & so they should be! I liked hearing about your trip & was pleased that you had two girls to look after – neither of them were so wicked as to stay up all night, were they?!! Cec and I were so glad to know that you were a good sailor despite the rough weather & I giggled at your staying in your cabin one evening but being able to eat turkey & ice cream – when I remember how the only thing I could bear to look at was a glass of ginger ale! Trinidad sounds really lovely and I hope that Billo or someone is taking snaps of you and all the lovely surroundings & of all the peoples too, so that you can send them to me.

Carol in Trinidad with Muriel and Ettie.

We had the very best time with Tilda & Lois last weekend, & enjoyed every minute of it. Cec had to take a supervision class on Fri. afternoon, so we went down to Toledo by bus & Lois & Til & her friend Marena were at the Bus Station to meet us. We all went to Smith’s (a big restaurant) & met Ruth there & had a very nice dinner, then went to DeVilbiss to see the “DeViltries”.

Actually, the the show was pretty lousy we all thought- not nearly so good as the one I saw the year I was there, but it was so funny seeing all the teachers gaze at me in amazement & then break into beaming smiles! We saw Mr. and Mrs. Pasquier & dear Mildred as well as lots of others. The only student I recognized in the show was a great big sturdy fellow taking the part of an orchestra conductor, who used to be a little round faced shrimp in one of my study classes!

On the Sat. we had a lovely lazy day, & sat in the house & gossiped & had a wonderful time. Cec & Lois took apart 2 radios & mended them, which they both enjoyed immensely, & Til & I talked & I stencilled some colours onto a piece of cloth Til gave me, as she had just got a fabric painting set! In the evening we all went to Ruth & Ernie’s & had a grand time. Lois had borrowed a recording machine, & we all made a record to send down south to C’Zelma & Em & Grandma. Til talked first, then Lois introduced a Mr. & Mrs. Melvin who were there, then me & Cec, & we all said a few words, then Ruth spoke & introduced the children who each played their pieces- David on the piano & Mary L. on her cello & then on the piano. Then Ernie spoke & Til said goodbye & we all sang loudly “We’re Strong for Toledo”! It was fun. Mr. Melvin had a camera which took pictures & developed them straight away & it was marvellous. He took lots & we’re getting some to send you.

At the Schatz’s. Front: Ruth?, Cyn, Lois. Back: Ernie?, Til, and Cec.

Sunday was another lazy day but as it was very rainy we drove back to A.A. in the afternoon, so that Til & Lois could get back by daylight. Must stop now. Will write again soon. Love to all, but lots and lots for you 



March 15 1950

Kitchen & Living Room

Mary Ewing, who was so kind to Carol, was from Gordon’s side of the family and lived in London. It was obviously hard on my grandmother leaving, after thirty years of her life in England, but she hadn’t seen her nephew Bill Otway and his  wife Jane since they left after the war, nor met their babies, and the last time she saw her sister Trix was on their 1939 visit to New York, so she must have been looking forward to visits in Trinidad at the end of the voyage.

Wed. 15th March.1950.

Dearest Mummy,

Cec and I keep thinking about you in the middle of the Atlantic and wondering how you are getting on & whether you are enjoying yourself. We have decided that by now you will have made friends with people, and the weather will be good & you will be beginning to think that maybe things aren’t quite so bad after all! As a matter of fact, I can just imagine you sitting having a drink before dinner with some dashing caballero, feeling no end of a dog, and smoking a cigarette with a very superior and sophisticated (??) air!! Seriously though- we do hope that you are having fun and enjoying the trip because I think you would need a good rest and change after all the upheaving of the last few months. I know how sad you would feel at leaving Miss Lefroy, and having a cold too would make you feel miserable.

At the same time that we got your last A.M. letter (Monday), I also got one from Mary Ewing, and she told me how she & Gertrude had gone to see you off. I can’t get over how sweet & kind they have been to us- they have put themselves out time after time to be so good to us, and no one could have been nicer. I am so glad that Mary & Gertrude did go, because as Mary said in her letter, it would help a bit to lighten the atmosphere. She also told me how you got my card just as you & Miss Lefroy were leaving & I was so delighted because I was afraid it would be late. I hope our cable was waiting for you on the ship too, and that you have a nice cabin and a pleasant cabin mate.

You made Cec and I quite homesick for England in your last letter, telling us all about the snowdrops & almond blossom, because we are still in the midst of snow and winter here & there’s not even a sniff of a spring flower even in the florists. We were most enchanted to hear that you had been to see the dear little bear, and we want to hear ALL about it! There are a few cute little squirrels in the trees around here, but that’s the only wildlife we have! And by the time you are answering this anyway you will be telling us all about the monkeys & parrots & the beautiful orange blossom and other exotic blooms! It is so amazing to think that when you read this you will be with Auntie Trixie, and Janie & Billo & little John & my godson. Give them all my love & don’t forget to tell me all about them. I am writing a long letter and sending it off too but I didn’t realize the 19th was so close, so I am dashing to post this & will put all the gossip in the other. Will leave room for Cec to say a word- Lots and lots of love & a big hug from Cyn.

[Cec’s handwriting] Yes Cyn was a bit weepy thinking about you leaving, or else she had indigestion. But we feel you are much closer now. 

We haven’t got our other stuff yet, but we have had word at last & should have it soon. We’ve almost forgotten what we own. Lots of love Cec